
Changes Coming and More Updates Coming Soon...Promise!!

Sorry I've been absent from here so much lately!  It is really taking a lot out of me to get the new site done and at the same time, school and work are really busy right now!  I've got much to share, mucho, mucho:  we're taking our first road trip (that's right, all eight of us), Casey is going under the knife, there is a GINORMOUS announcement that is coming soon, got a cool little tool that we are going to start using on the site that will enhance everyone's lives, pictures, pictures, pictures, and oh yeah, the babies are doing awesome so there is plenty to share there, of course!!  Life is good, look for something just before Thanksgiving... :)

God Bless,


Tori :) said...

Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving week!!!
Could you see if Casey's dr could offer some kind of BOGO? ;)

as said...

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